Learn money skills you need to achieve financial freedom!

Carol teaches you
how to take charge of
your Money Self with
effective Money Rules

The Abacus For Money team headed by
Carol Yip, a certified financial coach, consultant,
and trainer, specializes in coaching and educating
individuals of all ages and all walks of life to be Smart
Unlike conventional financial planning,
we provide financial advisory services, keynote
presentations, training and workshops that are designed with the
application of human psychology into money matters.
This unique training approach helps people
to improve their behaviour and attitudes towards money
and helps them achieve emotional happiness,
giving them a sense of security and
putting them in full control of their financial future.
Carol Yip's books are available in bookstores throughout Malaysia & Singapore! |
Dear Carol, I am a young lady living in Singapore. I felt 'lost' one day feeling like I've mountain of debts and did not know what to do. I went to the bookstore, and among the tonnes of books on money, wealth, managing finance - I find 'MONEY RULES' book was delivered in the most down to earth and non-hard selling way. And it relates to me better because there are an overdose of USA books that has not much Asia context. - Mitchell, Singapore |
Abacus For Money Personal Financial Programs are promoted in the OECD
International Gateway For Financial Education.
OECD is established in 1961. It brings together the governments of
countries committed to democracy from around the world to support sustainable
economic growth, boost employment, raise living standards and maintain financial

Carol receiving the Certificate of Appreciation from Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, the Governor of Bank Negara at the POWER! Premier Preview programme organised by Bank Negara Malaysia on 19 January 2011. Looking on is En Mohamed Akwal Sultan, CEO of AKPK. This programme is designed to equip young adults with practical knowledge and skills on money and debt management.

Carol Yip in Brunei speaking at The Asia Forum Women Forum 2010

Carol Yip was fantastic! ~ Anonymous |
Session on managing money was mind opening. Great forum!
~ Ministry of Education |
...my absolute favourite was the session by Carol Yip. It has changed the way I look at money
~ Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports |
Great mix of successful women on the panel forum especially womenmanaging money session giving differentperspectives leading to the same conclusion. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough time!
~ Anonymous |
Certainly a great forum for women. I enjoy thesession on money- thespeaker is a true expert! ~ Ministry of Defense |
Carol Yip as Guest Speaker for 14th Annual Professional Investment Services Conference, 28 March – 1 April 2010, Hawaii

Thank you letter from event organisers
Professional Investment Services (PIS) Australia
Carol Yip as Guest Speaker for Lending and Risk Insurance Conference,
15 – 18 Sept 2009, Australia

Signature keynote topics and training programs: